Gamefound 3.10.0 is live!
This week we've deployed an update to the site. Same as usual, the update contains a large amount (30+) of bugfixes and a couple new features. Here are the most notable ones.
Becoming a creator
This update completely changes the way you become a creator on Gamefound. We wanted this process to be as simple as possible, therefore you no longer need to wait for our staff to approve your creator account. All you need now is log in, pick your creator name and you’re good to go:)

Location grouping
By popular demand from creators, locations are now grouped by shipping zone. Editing a setting in the group row will propagate changes to underlying locations, but you can still expand the group and edit each individual location one by one.

Order comments
Also by popular demand, as a creator you can now add comments under an already placed order. For now, the comments are internal and visible only to other members of your staff, but we are considering extending this feature to allow communicating directly with the customer in the future.

New filters in users list
Finally, we have added 2 new filtering options to the users list. Ever wondered who hasn’t completed their pledge manager? Or maybe who of your backers hasn’t spent their credits? These new guys will help you out;)

Wrapping up
As mentioned in the previous blog, while continuing to bring small improvements, we’re also working on a huge revamp of the creator’s area. If all goes according to plan, the next blog should be full of huge changes:)